Just Joy Hair



  1. I am required to pay the full amount of each subscription plan(s). Once payments are complete, I can not be reimbursed on any subscription plan(s) or contact list from Just Joy Hair LLC.
  2. Agreeing to these terms means I am not allowed to share any log in details. Just Joy Hair does not allow login and contact list sharing. Sharing information guarantees immediate termination from all subscriptions and access to our group discussions and 1 on 1 training.
  3. I will not screen record, screen shot, or post any subscription plan(s) or contact list information on any media platform or device. Those include facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, youtube, tiktok, or any other public or private platform. Saving our content to a computer, tablet, or phone is strictly prohibited. Legal reprecitions will occur if I fail to comply.
  4. I understand that I only have access to information I have subscribed to , I am accountable for any information I do not utilize.
  5. I understand the duration of each subscription plan(s) purchased . My login access will automatically renew or terminate based on the plan(s) purchased.
  6. I have thoroughly read and understood these terms and conditions.

By purchasing this course, you agree to all Terms & Conditions.

Order Overview

The Power of Styling: Energy

Price $100.00
Return to The Power of Styling: Energy